The Bell Tower Magazine

Bell Tower

Click on the front pages to see a page inside the issue.      Want to see more – Join the American Bell Association.   See the Membership tab

The Bell Tower

We publish The Bell Tower six times a year. It is a full-color magazine and each issue contains articles and pictures about bells, news of members, chapter meetings, future events, and much more! It is both interesting and beautiful

NOW Available !!

Bell Tower Flash Drive

Available to ABA members

is a flash drive that has all Bell Towers and Supplements from  the beginning of ABA (1940) to March 2023.

It is indexed and is searchable.

Contact the Website Coordinator for more information

What Lucille said about the flash drive:

I had several bells in my catalog that I could not identify but have been going thru the BTs, with help of the flash drive, and finding not only pictures to identify them but stories about them.    

There are pictures and stories about bells I could never have even imagined, let alone know to ask for on Google!   Learning about bells has certainly made me a more knowledgeable person about many persons, places and things.  Articles by the many people I have read about in the BT have definitely made my life more interesting. 

There are so many intelligent, interesting people in the American Bell Association.  I am truly grateful to have joined.


News of events, especially our Annual Convention

The Bell Tower gives information about our annual convention. The issue after convention is full of convention news and pictures.  Auction bells are also pictured and described.

See pictures and descriptions of Convention Auction Bells

Convention Auction Results

Chapter Meetings

Each issue has information about local chapters and members. and has highlights of recent chapter meetings, often with pictures.


Bell Tower Articles

Click on the picture to read the article


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

Zodiac Bells


Saddle Chimes

Bells of Ukraine

Bells of Ukraine

Mission Inn Garden Bells

Pinocchio Bell and Story

Call Bells – European Spring Flick Bells


Bell Tower Carillon – At age 66, it was my “first time” and I heard bells ring!

Candlestick Bells – Bell, No Book, and Candle