ABA Chapter Meetings
Interaction with others is what makes membership exciting, educational and enriching. Many groups host meetings at least two times a year while others meet more often. We encourage you to seek out a chapter because learning about your bells will be much more enjoyable with the ability to share and exchange of information by personal contact. Several ABA members belong to more than one chapter.
Not every state or country has a local group, but individual members can also be found throughout the United States and Canada as well as in Australia, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Romania, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. We welcome the organization of new chapters and have guidelines for how to do that.
Listed below are ABA chapters who we know have scheduled meetings. Many of them offer to have people join by Zoom. You can be anywhere in the world and join in. For more information on these meetings or others contact abachaptercoordinator@gmail.com with questions or for further details.
ABA also hosts both International and North American Zoom Meetings for those unable to attend other meetings. All are welcome!!!